Mam problemy z zalogowaniem się do mojej witryny za pomocą Facebooka.Zaloguj się przez Facebooka, korzystając z pakietu Facebook SDK for PHP

Utworzono logowanie przy użyciu pakietu SDK Facebooka, postępując zgodnie z instrukcjami na developers.facebook.com, ale to nie działa dla mnie.

Napisałem prostą stronę testową, aby dowiedzieć się, co jest nie tak. Jest to kod:

<!DOCTYPE html> 

$app_id   = '446458238729594'; 
$app_secret  = '********'; 
$redirect_uri = 'http://mysite.localhost/'; 

try { 

    echo('Including "facebook.php"...'); 
    require './src/facebook.php'; 

    echo('Starting session...'); 
    $result = session_start(); 
    if($result) { 
     echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
       . "\n\n"); 
    } else { 
     echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
       . "\n\n"); 

    echo("Trying to get counter from the session...\n"); 
    if(isset($_SESSION['counter'])) { 
     echo('Value: ' . $_SESSION['counter'] . "\n"); 
     echo("Increasing to one...\n"); 
     echo('Value: ' . $_SESSION['counter'] . "\n\n"); 
    } else { 
     echo("Trying to add a counter and set it's value to 0...\n"); 
     $_SESSION['counter'] = 0; 
     echo('Value: ' . $_SESSION['counter'] . "\n"); 

    echo('Creating an instance of Facebook class...'); 
    $facebook = new Facebook(
      'appId'  => $app_id, 
      'secret' => $app_secret, 
    echo("The instance of Facebook class:\n" . str_replace($app_secret, 
      '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', var_export($facebook, true)) . "\n\n"); 

    echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
      . "\n\n"); 

    echo('Trying to get user ID...'); 
    $user_id = $facebook->getUser(); 
    echo("User ID:\n" . var_export($user_id, true) . "\n\n"); 

    echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
      . "\n\n"); 

    echo('Trying to get user profile info...'); 
    try { 
     $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me'); 
     echo("User profile info:\n" . var_export($user_profile, true) 
       . "\n\n"); 
    } catch(Exception $exception) { 
     echo("fail. Probably user is not logged in.\n\n"); 
     echo("Exception:\n--------\n" . str_replace($app_secret, 
       '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', var_export($exception, true)) 
       . "\n--------\n\n"); 
     $user_id = null; 
     echo("User ID is now NULL.\n\n"); 

    echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
      . "\n\n"); 

    if($user) { 
     echo('Seems like user is logged in. Getting logout url...'); 
     $url = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(); 
    } else { 
     echo('Seems like user is NOT logged in. Getting login url...'); 
     $url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(
       'scope'   => 'read_stream, publish_stream, user_birthday,' 
         . ' user_location, user_work_history, user_hometown,' 
         . ' user_photos', 
       'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri, 
    echo('URL:<br></pre><a href=' . $url .">Login/Logout</a><pre>\n\n"); 

    echo("\n=====>>>>> Session array:\n" 
      . var_export($_SESSION, true) . "\n\n"); 

    if($user) { 
     echo('Seems like user is still logged in. Trying to get some profile' 
       . ' info...'); 
     echo("\nCreating request...\n"); 
     $queries = array(
       'method'  => 'GET', 
       'relative_url' => '/' . $user, 
       'method'  => 'GET', 
       'relative_url' => '/' . $user . '/home?limit=50', 
       'method'  => 'GET', 
       'relative_url' => '/' . $user . '/friends', 
       'method'  => 'GET', 
       'relative_url' => '/' . $user . '/photos?limit=6', 
     echo("Request:\n\n" . var_export($queries, true) . "\n\n"); 
     echo("\nEncoding request using JSON format...\n"); 
     $queries_encoded = json_encode($queries); 
     echo("Encoded request:\n\n" . var_export($queries_encoded, true) 
       . "\n\n"); 
     try { 
      echo("\nTrying to get response...\n"); 
      $response = $facebook->api('?batch=' . $queries_encoded, 'POST'); 
      echo("Response:\n\n" . var_export($response, true) . "\n\n"); 
      echo("\nTrying to decode response...\n"); 
      echo("\n" . json_decode($response[0]['body'], true) . "\n"); 
      echo("\n" . json_decode($response[1]['body'], true) . "\n"); 
      echo("\n" . json_decode($response[2]['body'], true) . "\n"); 
      echo("\n" . json_decode($response[3]['body'], true) . "\n"); 
     } catch(Exception $exception) { 
      echo("Exception:\n--------\n\n" . str_replace($app_secret, 
        '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', var_export($exception, true)) 
        . "\n--------\n\n"); 
    } else { 
     echo('Seems like user is still NOT logged in. At now we can\'t do' 
       . ' anything. Try to login using the URL above.'); 

    echo("\n\n========\n\nSession array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
      . "\n\n"); 

} catch(Exception $exception) { 
    echo("\n\n\nAn exception have been trown:\n--------\n\n" . str_replace(
      $app_secret, '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', var_export($exception, true)) 
      . "\n--------\n\n"); 
    echo("\n\n========\n\nSession array:\n" . var_export($_SESSION, true) 
      . "\n\n"); 


Po pierwszej wizycie tej stronie (nie jestem zalogowany na Facebooku), otrzymuję ten wynik:

Including "facebook.php"...done. 

Starting session...done. 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (

Trying to get counter from the session... 
Trying to add a counter and set it's value to 0... 
Value: 0 

Creating an instance of Facebook class...done. 

The instance of Facebook class: 
    'sharedSessionID' => NULL, 
    'appId' => '446458238729594', 
    'appSecret' => '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
    'user' => NULL, 
    'signedRequest' => NULL, 
    'state' => NULL, 
    'accessToken' => NULL, 
    'fileUploadSupport' => false, 
    'trustForwarded' => false, 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 

Trying to get user ID...done. 

User ID: 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 

Trying to get user profile info...fail. Probably user is not logged in. 

    'result' => 
    array (
    'error_code' => 7, 
    'error' => 
    array (
     'message' => 'Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:2050:1f01:face:b00c:0:2: Network is unreachable', 
     'type' => 'CurlException', 
    'message' => 'Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:2050:1f01:face:b00c:0:2: Network is unreachable', 
    'string' => '', 
    'code' => 7, 
    'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
    'line' => 967, 
    'trace' => 
    array (
    0 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 899, 
     'function' => 'makeRequest', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 'https://graph.facebook.com/me', 
     1 => 
     array (
      'method' => 'GET', 
      'access_token' => '446458238729594|>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
    1 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 866, 
     'function' => '_oauthRequest', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 'https://graph.facebook.com/me', 
     1 => 
     array (
      'method' => 'GET', 
    2 => 
    array (
     'function' => '_graph', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => '/me', 
    3 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 644, 
     'function' => 'call_user_func_array', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 
     array (
      0 => 
      'sharedSessionID' => NULL, 
      'appId' => '446458238729594', 
      'appSecret' => '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
      'user' => 0, 
      'signedRequest' => NULL, 
      'state' => NULL, 
      'accessToken' => '446458238729594|>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
      'fileUploadSupport' => false, 
      'trustForwarded' => false, 
      1 => '_graph', 
     1 => 
     array (
      0 => '/me', 
    4 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/index.php', 
     'line' => 69, 
     'function' => 'api', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => '/me', 
    'previous' => NULL, 

User ID is now NULL. 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 

Seems like user is NOT logged in. Getting login url...done. 


=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '84260edcd60940884d261812496a488c', 

Seems like user is still NOT logged in. At now we can't do anything. Try to login using the URL above. 


Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '84260edcd60940884d261812496a488c', 

Wtedy staram się zalogować używając podanego URL . Prowadzi mnie to do mojej strony autoryzacji aplikacji na Facebooku. Po potwierdzeniu wymaganych uprawnień, to przekierowuje mnie do tego adresu URL:


Po tym oczekiwać, że jestem zalogowany i moja strona pobiera i pokazuje mi jakieś informacje z mojego profilu na Facebooku, ale tak nie jest. Dostaję to wyjście:

Including "facebook.php"...done. 

Starting session...done. 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 0, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '84260edcd60940884d261812496a488c', 

Trying to get counter from the session... 
Value: 0 
Increasing to one... 
Value: 1 

Creating an instance of Facebook class...done. 

The instance of Facebook class: 
    'sharedSessionID' => NULL, 
    'appId' => '446458238729594', 
    'appSecret' => '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
    'user' => NULL, 
    'signedRequest' => NULL, 
    'state' => '84260edcd60940884d261812496a488c', 
    'accessToken' => NULL, 
    'fileUploadSupport' => false, 
    'trustForwarded' => false, 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 1, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '84260edcd60940884d261812496a488c', 

Trying to get user ID...done. 

User ID: 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 1, 

Trying to get user profile info...fail. Probably user is not logged in. 

    'result' => 
    array (
    'error_code' => 7, 
    'error' => 
    array (
     'message' => 'Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:2050:1f01:face:b00c:0:2: Network is unreachable', 
     'type' => 'CurlException', 
    'message' => 'Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:2050:1f01:face:b00c:0:2: Network is unreachable', 
    'string' => '', 
    'code' => 7, 
    'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
    'line' => 967, 
    'trace' => 
    array (
    0 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 899, 
     'function' => 'makeRequest', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 'https://graph.facebook.com/me', 
     1 => 
     array (
      'method' => 'GET', 
      'access_token' => '446458238729594|>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
    1 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 866, 
     'function' => '_oauthRequest', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 'https://graph.facebook.com/me', 
     1 => 
     array (
      'method' => 'GET', 
    2 => 
    array (
     'function' => '_graph', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => '/me', 
    3 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/src/base_facebook.php', 
     'line' => 644, 
     'function' => 'call_user_func_array', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => 
     array (
      0 => 
      'sharedSessionID' => NULL, 
      'appId' => '446458238729594', 
      'appSecret' => '>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
      'user' => 0, 
      'signedRequest' => NULL, 
      'state' => NULL, 
      'accessToken' => '446458238729594|>>>APP_SECRET<<<', 
      'fileUploadSupport' => false, 
      'trustForwarded' => false, 
      1 => '_graph', 
     1 => 
     array (
      0 => '/me', 
    4 => 
    array (
     'file' => '/srv/www/htdocs/mysite/web/index.php', 
     'line' => 69, 
     'function' => 'api', 
     'class' => 'BaseFacebook', 
     'type' => '->', 
     'args' => 
     array (
     0 => '/me', 
    'previous' => NULL, 

User ID is now NULL. 

=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 1, 

Seems like user is NOT logged in. Getting login url...done. 


=====>>>>> Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 1, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '6ae5ea9e5f7199fb6d19793905dcdd65', 

Seems like user is still NOT logged in. At now we can't do anything. Try to login using the URL above. 


Session array: 
array (
    'counter' => 1, 
    'fb_446458238729594_state' => '6ae5ea9e5f7199fb6d19793905dcdd65', 

Proszę, pomóż mi zrozumieć, dlaczego logowanie nie działa? Dlaczego instancja klasy Facebook nie pobiera tokenu dostępu? I dlaczego metoda Facebook :: getUser() zawsze zwraca 0? Jak mogę to naprawić?



zajmie ukłucie tutaj - tak cierpliwość proszę:

Możliwa przyczyna 1: Kod FB wygląda dobrze - ale swój błąd stany:

„Nie udało się połączyć 2a03: 2880: 2050: 1f01: face: b00c: 0: 2: Network is unreachable ", co wskazuje na problem z cURL.

Czy możesz potwierdzić, że twój cURL jest zainstalowany/działa na twoim serwerze internetowym? Proste phpinfo(); powiem Ci.

Możliwa przyczyna 2: Sprawdź, czy adres URL Twojej aplikacji jest ustawiony na miejsce, w którym przeprowadzasz testy. Identyfikatorem URI przekierowania jest "http: //mysite.localhost/" - sprawdź więc na stronie konfiguracji aplikacji, której odpowiada.


po prostu zacząć od podstaw, a następnie rozpocząć dodawanie cały swój dodatkowy kod w ten pracuje dla mnie.


require 'src/facebook.php'; 

$facebook = new Facebook(array(
    'appId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 
    'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 

// See if there is a user from a cookie 
$user = $facebook->getUser(); 

if ($user) { 
    try { 
    // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated. 
    $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me'); 
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(); 
    } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { 
    echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($e, true)).'</pre>'; 
    $user = null; 
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl($params); 


<?php if ($user) { ?> 
    Your user profile is 
    <?php print htmlspecialchars(print_r($user_profile, true)) ?> 
    <a href="<?php echo $logoutUrl; ?>">Logout</a> 
<?php } else { ?> 
    <a href="<?php echo $loginUrl; ?>">Login with Facebook</a> 
<?php } ?>' 

Jeśli cURL nie był dostępny, PHP SDK umrze na inicjalizacja już. Dla mnie wygląda bardziej jak ogólny problem z łącznością IPv6 na jego serwerze; lub firewall lub coś, co nie pozwala połączyć się z serwerami FB. – CBroe


Dziękuję. Problem był w firewallu - blokował zewnętrzne połączenia IPv6 z mojej sieci lokalnej. – user1764823


niesamowite @CBroe - miły połów. – Fraccus

Powiązane problemy