2016-06-09 15 views

Próbuję dodać reaktywną ramkę danych, zarówno w nieliniowym modelu regresji, jak iw analizie wielozmiennej. Udało mi się stworzyć reaktywną ramkę danych, która jest aktualizowana za każdym razem, gdy filtru moje dane. Chcę teraz aktualizować wyniki modelu za każdym razem, gdy filtruję ramkę danych i dodam wartości predykcji modelu do reaktywnej ramki danych. Poniżej znajduje się podzbiór zbioru danych, którego używam, a także pliki Ui i serwera, których używam do tworzenia błyszczącej aplikacji.Dodaje nową zmienną (kolumnę) w locie do reaktywnej ramki danych w Shiny

pakiet obciążenia

library (shiny) 
library (minpack.lm) 
library (hydroGOF) 

dataframe używam:

Flux_Data_df<- structure(list(Site_ID = structure(c(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 8L), .Label = c("AR-Slu", 
"AR-Vir", "AU-Tum", "AU-Wac", "BE-Bra", "BE-Jal", "BE-Vie", "BR-Cax", 
"BR-Ma2", "BR-Sa1", "BR-Sa3", "BW-Ma1", "CA-Ca1", "CA-Ca2", "CA-Ca3", 
"CA-Gro", "Ca-Man", "CA-NS1", "CA-NS2", "CA-NS3", "CA-NS4", "CA-NS5", 
"CA-NS6", "CA-NS7", "CA-Oas", "CA-Obs", "CA-Ojp", "CA-Qcu", "CA-Qfo", 
"CA-SF1", "CA-SF2", "CA-SF3", "CA-SJ1", "CA-SJ2", "CA-SJ3", "CA-TP1", 
"CA-TP2", "CA-TP3", "CA-TP4", "CA-Wp1", "CN-Bed", "CN-Cha", "CN-Din", 
"CN-Ku1", "CN-Qia", "CZ-Bk1", "De-Bay", "DE-Hai", "DE-Har", "DE-Lkb", 
"DE-Meh", "DE-Obe", "DE-Tha", "DE-Wet", "DK-Sor", "ES-Es1", "FI-Hyy", 
"FI-Sod", "FR-Fon", "FR-Hes", "FR-Lbr", "FR-Pue", "GF-Guy", "ID-Pag", 
"IL-Yat", "IS-Gun", "IT-Col", "IT-Cpz", "IT-Lav", "IT-Lma", "IT-Noe", 
"IT-Non", "IT-Pt1", "IT-Ro1", "IT-Ro2", "IT-Sro", "JP-Tak", "JP-Tef", 
"JP-Tom", "MY-Pso", "NL-Loo", "PA-Spn", "PT-Esp", "RU-Fyo", "RU-Skp", 
"RU-Zot", "SE-Abi", "SE-Fla", "SE-Nor", "SE-Sk1", "SE-Sk2", "SE-St1", 
"UK-Gri", "UK-Ham", "US-Bar", "US-Blo", "US-Bn1", "US-Bn2", "Us-Bn3", 
"US-Dk2", "US-Dk3", "US-Fmf", "US-Fuf", "US-Fwf", "US-Ha1", "US-Ha2", 
"US-Ho1", "US-Ho2", "US-Lph", "US-Me1", "US-Me3", "US-Me4", "US-Me6", 
"US-Moz", "US-NC1", "US-Nc2", "US-NR1", "US-Oho", "US-So2", "US-So3", 
"US-Sp1", "US-Sp2", "US-Sp3", "US-Syv", "US-Umb", "US-Wbw", "US-Wcr", 
"US-Wi0", "US-Wi1", "US-Wi2", "US-Wi4", "US-Wi8", "VU-Coc", "CA-Cbo", 
"CN-Lao", "ID-Buk", "JP-Fuj", "RU-Ab", "RU-Be", "RU-Mix"), class = "factor"), 
    Ecosystem = structure(c(5L, 3L, 5L, 5L, 3L), .Label = c("DBF", 
    "DNF", "EBF", "ENF", "MF", "SHB", "WSA"), class = "factor"), 
    Climate = structure(c(3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L), .Label = c("Arid", 
    "Continental", "Temperate", "Tropical"), class = "factor"), 
    Management = structure(c(4L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("High", 
    "Low", "Moderate", "None"), class = "factor"), Stand_Age = c(50, 
    99, 77.0833333333333, 66.2, 97), NEP = c(1262.24986565392, 
    251.665998718498, 89.590110051402, 467.821910494384, 560), 
    GPP = c(2437.9937774539, 1837.82835206203, 1353.91140903122, 
    1740.68843840394, 3630), NEP_GPP = c(0.517741217113419, 0.143353622997247, 
    0.0760076059028116, 0.270737440100469, 0.1542699725), Uncert = c(7.29706486170583, 
    12.3483066698996, 7.59406340226036, 8.2523670901841, 12.1 
    ), Gap_filled = c(0.953310527540233, 0.969648973753497, 0.9395474605477, 
    0.923408280276339, 1), MAT = c(19.0438821722383, 9.67003296799878, 
    10.7728316162948, 8.2796213684244, 27.341666667), MAT_An = c(-0.0413522012578611, 
    0.840055031446541, 0.705896226415094, 0.805524109014675, 
    0.191666666666667), MAT_Trend = c(0.0119577487502016, 0.0196238509917756, 
    0.0305871364833632, 0.0381007095629741, 0.0194619147449338 
    ), MAP = c(351.700001291931, 1107.49999958277, 844.158499979666, 
    998.205467054248, 2279.5), MAP_CRU = c(592.2, 850.925, 852.591666666667, 
    1098.98, 2279.5), SPI_CRU_Mean = c(-0.352735702252502, 0.188298093749456, 
    0.0830157542916604, 0.397632136136383, 1.31028809089487), 
    MAP_An = c(4.14188988095238, -15.8198660714286, 5.39074900793651, 
    2.28799107142857, 1.55565476190476), MAP_Trend = c(1.38787584993337, 
    0.147192657259031, 0.747167885331603, 0.104885622031644, 
    0.841903850753408), CEC_Total_1km = c(14.05, 10.25, 17.975, 
    21, 9.95), Clay_Silt = c(36.65, 42.125, 32.275, 55, 54.825 
    ), Clay_1km = c(26.425, 31.425, 11.25, 22.45, 38.075), Silt_1km = c(10.225, 
    10.7, 21.025, 32.55, 16.75), Sand_1km = c(63.35, 57.325, 
    67.65, 45, 45.275), NOy = c(1.73752826416889, 2.76055219091326, 
    4.96187381895543, 5.06857284157762, 0.90948457442513), NHx = c(2.50363534311763, 
    2.99675999696687, 11.2747222582845, 13.9207300067467, 1.53292533883169 
    ), Soil_C_1km = c(3.6, 17, 23.575, 26.65, 8.15), Lat = c(-33.4648, 
    -35.6566, 51.3092, 50.3051, -1.72000003), Long = c(-66.4598, 
    148.1516, 4.5206, 5.9981, -51.4500008)), .Names = c("Site_ID", 
"Ecosystem", "Climate", "Management", "Stand_Age", "NEP", "GPP", 
"NEP_GPP", "Uncert", "Gap_filled", "MAT", "MAT_An", "MAT_Trend", 
"MAP", "MAP_CRU", "SPI_CRU_Mean", "MAP_An", "MAP_Trend", "CEC_Total_1km", 
"Clay_Silt", "Clay_1km", "Silt_1km", "Sand_1km", "NOy", "NHx", 
"Soil_C_1km", "Lat", "Long"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame") 

Wybierz zmienną xi y wybrać

axis_vars <- c(
    "NEP observed [gC.m-2.y-1]" = "NEP", 
    "NEP predicted [gC.m-2.y-1]" = "prediction", 
    "CUEe" = "NEP_GPP", 
    "GPP [gC.m-2.y-1]" = "GPP", 
    "Forest Age [years]" = "Stand_Age", 
    "MAT [°C]" = "MAT", 
    "SPI" = "SPI_CRU_Mean", 
    "MAP [mm.y-1]" = "MAP", 
    "MAP trend [mm.y-1]" = "MAP_Trend", 
    "MAT tremd [°C.y-1]" = "MAT_Trend", 
    "Clay content [kg.kg-1]" = "Clay_1km", 
    "N deposition [kg N.ha-1.y-1]" = "NHx" 

Plik ui:

 ui<- actionLink <- function(inputId, ...) { 

    titlePanel("Data exploration"), 
    p('Interactive tool for data exploration'), 
    em('by, ', a('Simon Besnard', href = 'http://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/bgi/index.php/People/SimonBesnard')), 

      selectInput("xvar", "X-axis variable", axis_vars, selected = "Stand_Age"), 
      selectInput("yvar", "Y-axis variable", axis_vars, selected = "NEP") 

      h4("Filter data"), 

      sliderInput("Gap_filled", "Fraction gap filling", 0, 1, value = c(0, 1)), 
      sliderInput("Uncert", "Uncertainties", 0, 45, value = c(0, 45), 
         step = 1), 
      sliderInput("Stand_Age", "Forest age [years]", 0, 400, value = c(0, 400), 
         0, 400, 400, step = 5), 
      sliderInput("GPP", "GPP [gC.m-2.y-1]", 0, 4000, value = c(0, 4000), 
         0, 4000, 4000, step = 100), 
      sliderInput("MAT", "MAT [°C]", -10, 30, value = c(-10, 30), 
         -10, 30, 30, step = 1), 
      sliderInput("MAP", "MAP [mm.y-1]", 0, 4000, value = c(0, 4000), 
         0, 4000, 400, step = 100), 
      checkboxGroupInput("Management", "Intensity of management", c("None", "Low", "Moderate", "High"), 
           selected= c("None", "Low", "Moderate", "High"), inline = T), 
      checkboxGroupInput("Climate", "Type of climate", 
            c("Arid", "Continental", "Temperate", "Tropical"), 
           selected=c("Arid", "Continental", "Temperate", "Tropical"), inline=T), 
          choices=list("DBF", "DNF", "EBF", "ENF", "MF", "SHB"), 
          selected=c("DBF", "DNF", "EBF", "ENF", "MF","SHB"), inline=T) 

     tabPanel("Plot", rbokehOutput("rbokeh")), 
     tabPanel("Statistics", tableOutput("summaryTable")), 
     tabPanel("Variable importance", plotOutput("Var_Imp")), 
     tabPanel("Spatial distribution - Flux tower", rbokehOutput("Map_Site")) 
     downloadLink('downloadData', 'Download')) 

a plik server:

  server<- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { 

# A reactive expression for filtering dataframe 
Update_df <- reactive({ 

    # Lables for axes 
    xvar_name <- names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$xvar] 
    yvar_name <- names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$yvar] 
    xvar <- prop("x", as.symbol(input$xvar)) 
    yvar <- prop("y", as.symbol(input$yvar)) 

    Flux_Data_df %>% 
     Gap_filled >= input$Gap_filled[1] & 
     Gap_filled <= input$Gap_filled[2] & 
     Uncert > input$Uncert[1] & 
     Uncert < input$Uncert[2] & 
     Stand_Age >= input$Stand_Age[1] & 
     Stand_Age <= input$Stand_Age[2] & 
     GPP > input$GPP[1] & 
     GPP < input$GPP[2] & 
     MAT > input$MAT[1] & 
     MAT < input$MAT[2] & 
     MAP > input$MAP[1] & 
     MAP < input$MAP[2]) %>% 
     Management %in% input$Management & 
     Climate %in% input$Climate & 
     Ecosystem %in% input$Ecosystem) %>% as.data.frame() 

# A reactive expression to add model predicion to a new dataframe 
Update_df<- reactive({ 
    for(id in unique(Update_df()$Site_ID)){ 
     lm.Age<- try(nlsLM(NEP~offset + A*(1-exp(k*Stand_Age)), data = Update_df()[Update_df()$Site_ID != id,], 
         start = list(A= 711.5423, k= -0.2987, offset= -444.2672), 
         lower= c(A = -Inf, k = -Inf, offset= -1500), control = list(maxiter = 500), weights = 1/Uncert), silent=TRUE); 
     Update_df()$f_Age[Update_df()$Site_ID == id] <- predict(object = lm.Age, newdata = Update_df()[Update_df()$Site_ID == id,]) 
    } %>% as.data.frame() 

#Plot scatter plot 
output$rbokeh <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Update_df() 
g<- figure() %>% 
    ly_points(x = input$xvar, y = input$yvar, data=plot_data, hover= c(Site_ID, year)) %>% 
    x_axis("x", label = names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$xvar]) %>% 
    y_axis("y", label = names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$yvar]) 

output$Map_Site <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Update_df() 
    p<- gmap(lat=0, lng=0, zoom = 2, width = 600, height = 600, map_type ="hybrid") %>% 
    ly_points(x=Long, y=Lat, data = plot_data, hover= c(Site_ID), col = "red", size=5) %>% 
    tool_box_select() %>% 
    tool_lasso_select() %>% 

output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() { 
    paste('data-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='') 
    content = function(con) { 
    write.csv(data, con) 


shinyApp(ui, server) 

Zasadniczo chciałbym dodać kolumnę predykcji do zaktualizowanego dataframe każdej chwili działania filtrowanie odbywa się w błyszcząca aplikacja oparta na konfiguracji filtrowania w pliku UI. Czy ktoś może mi w tym pomóc?


Ten [pytanie] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20201070/formatting-reactive-data-frames-in- błyszczące) dotyczy tego samego problemu. Zasadniczo nie można dodawać prognoz do oryginalnego reaktywnego 'data.frame'. Zamiast tego musisz utworzyć nowy reaktywny 'data.frame' lub' wektor', aby przechować przewidywania. –


Twój kod zawiera błędy. Jak żadna kolumna 'Disturbance' w data.frame, nie ma' update_df1'. Dokonaj edycji, abyśmy mogli uruchomić Twój kod w celu stworzenia odpowiedniego rozwiązania. –


@ K. Rohde. Dzięki za zauważenie błędów. Tylko je poprawili. – SimonB



Oto sposób plik server.R należy zrobić:

# Provide R code to build the object. 
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { 

# A reactive expression for filtering dataframe 
Update_df1 <- reactive({ 
    Flux_Data_df %>% 
     Gap_filled >= input$Gap_filled[1] & 
     Gap_filled <= input$Gap_filled[2] & 
     Uncert > input$Uncert[1] & 
     Uncert < input$Uncert[2] & 
     Stand_Age >= input$Stand_Age[1] & 
     Stand_Age <= input$Stand_Age[2] & 
     GPP > input$GPP[1] & 
     GPP < input$GPP[2] & 
     MAT > input$MAT[1] & 
     MAT < input$MAT[2] & 
     MAP > input$MAP[1] & 
     MAP < input$MAP[2]) %>% 
     Management %in% input$Management & 
     Disturbance %in% input$Disturbance & 
     Climate %in% input$Climate & 
     Ecosystem %in% input$Ecosystem) %>% as.data.frame() 

# A reactive expression to add model predicion to a new dataframe 
    prediction<- Update_df1() 
    for(id in unique(prediction$Site_ID)){ 
    lm_Age<- try(nlsLM(NEP~offset + A*(1-exp(k*Stand_Age)), data = prediction[prediction$Site_ID != id,], 
         start = list(A= 711.5423, k= -0.2987, offset= -444.2672), 
         lower= c(A = -Inf, k = -Inf, offset= -1500), control = list(maxiter = 500), weights = 1/Uncert), silent=TRUE) 
    prediction$f_Age[prediction$Site_ID == id] <- predict(object = lm_Age, newdata = prediction[prediction$Site_ID == id,]) 

    df<- Age() 
    for(id in unique(df$Site_ID)){ 
    lm_NEP<- lm(NEP~ (f_Age + Stand_Age + GPP)^2 + 
        Clay_1km + GPP:MAP + SPI_CRU_Mean:NHx + Stand_Age:NHx, 
       data = df[df$Site_ID != id,], weights = 1/Uncert) 
    df$prediction[df$Site_ID == id] <- predict(object = lm_NEP, newdata = df[df$Site_ID == id,]) 

Model_Performance<- reactive({ 
    Stat<- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 1)) 
    colnames(Stat)<- c("R2", "MEF", "RMSE") 
    Stat$R2<- round(cor(Final_df()$prediction, Final_df()$NEP, use="complete")^2, digits = 2) 
    Stat$RMSE <- round(rmse(Final_df()$prediction, Final_df()$NEP), digits = 2) 
    Stat$MEF<-round(NSE(Final_df()$prediction, Final_df()$NEP, na.rm=TRUE), digits=2) 

Var_Imp<- reactive({ 
    Imp<- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 7, nrow = 1)) 
    colnames(Imp)<- c("Age", "GPP*Age", "GPP*MAP", "Clay content", "Ndepo*SPI", "GPP", "Ndepo*Age") 
    VarImp_NEP<- varImp(lm(NEP ~ (f_Age + Stand_Age + GPP)^2 + 
          Clay_1km + GPP:MAP + SPI_CRU_Mean:NHx + Stand_Age:NHx, 
         data=Final_df(), weights = 1/Uncert)) 
    Imp$Age<- (VarImp_NEP$Overall[1] + VarImp_NEP$Overall[2] + VarImp_NEP$Overall[5])/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["GPP*Age"]<- (VarImp_NEP$Overall[6] + VarImp_NEP$Overall[7])/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["GPP*MAP"]<- VarImp_NEP$Overall[8]/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["Clay content"]<- VarImp_NEP$Overall[4]/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["Ndepo*SPI"]<- VarImp_NEP$Overall[9]/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["GPP"]<- VarImp_NEP$Overall[3]/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp["Ndepo*Age"]<- VarImp_NEP$Overall[10]/ sum(VarImp_NEP$Overall) 
    Imp<- gather(Imp) 
    colnames(Imp)<- c("Variable", "Percentage") 
    Imp$Percentage<- round(Imp$Percentage*100, digits = 1) 

#Plot Univariate 
output$Univariate <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Final_df() 
    plot_data$Stand_Age<- round(plot_data$Stand_Age, digits = 0) 
    plot_data$Stand_Age<- round(plot_data$Stand_Age, digits = 0) 
g<- figure() %>% 
    ly_points(x = input$xvar, y = input$yvar, data=plot_data, hover= c(Site_ID, Stand_Age)) %>% 
    x_axis("x", label = names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$xvar]) %>% 
    y_axis("y", label = names(axis_vars)[axis_vars == input$yvar]) 

#Plot model performance 
output$Model_perf <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Final_df() 
    plot_data$Stand_Age<- round(plot_data$Stand_Age, digits = 0) 
    g<- figure() %>% 
    ly_points(x = prediction, y = NEP, data=plot_data, hover= c(Site_ID, Stand_Age, Ecosystem)) %>% 
    ly_abline(a=0, b=1) %>% 
    x_axis("NEP predicted [gC.m-2.y-1]") %>% 
    y_axis("NEP observed [gC.m-2.y-1]") %>% 
    x_range(c(-700, 1500)) %>% 
    y_range(c(-700, 1500)) 

#Plot Variable importance 
output$Var_Imp <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Var_Imp() 
    g<- figure() %>% 
    ly_points(x =Percentage, y = Variable, data=plot_data, hover= c(Percentage)) %>% 
    x_axis("Percentage [%]") %>% 

output$Map_Site <- renderRbokeh({ 
    plot_data<- Final_df() 
    plot_data$Stand_Age<- round(plot_data$Stand_Age, digits = 0) 
    p<- gmap(lat=0, lng=0, zoom = 2, width = 600, height = 1000, map_type ="hybrid") %>% 
    ly_points(x=Long, y=Lat, data = plot_data, hover= c(Site_ID, Stand_Age), col = "red", size=5) %>% 
    tool_box_select() %>% 
    tool_lasso_select() %>% 
    tool_reset() %>% 

output$Update_data = renderDataTable({ 

output$Summary_Table = renderDataTable({ 


output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {paste('Updated.csv', sep='') }, 
    content = function(file) { 
    write.csv(Final_df(), file) 

Powiązane problemy