2013-09-30 21 views

buduję/uruchomiona aplikacja na iOS z wiersza poleceń z następującymi poleceniami:Clean IOS cel Xcode w wierszu poleceń

xcodebuild -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" -xcconfig "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}" -configuration Release 

/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" PackageApplication -v "${PROJECT_BUILD_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app" -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa" 

Czy jest jakaś komenda do czyszczenia cele. lub te polecenia dbają o samo czyszczenie.



Od xcodebuild manualu:

xcodebuild [-project projectname] [-target targetname ...] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [buildaction ...] [setting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] 

i budować działania mogłyby podjąć następujące wartości:

buildaction ... 
     Specify a build action (or actions) to perform on the target. Available build actions are: 

     build  Build the target in the build root (SYMROOT). This is the default build action. 

     archive  Archive a scheme from the build root (SYMROOT). This requires specifying a workspace and 

     installsrc Copy the source of the project to the source root (SRCROOT). 

     install  Build the target and install it into the target's installation directory in the distribution 
        root (DSTROOT). 

     clean  Remove build products and intermediate files from the build root (SYMROOT). 

W twoim przypadku

xcodebuild -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" -xcconfig "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}" -configuration Release clean 
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