2008-11-20 9 views



Sprawdź to code by Microsoft:

static public IEnumerable<IVsProject> LoadedProjects 
      var solution = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution)) as IVsSolution; 
      if (solution == null) 
       Debug.Fail("Failed to get SVsSolution service."); 
       yield break; 

      IEnumHierarchies enumerator = null; 
      Guid guid = Guid.Empty; 
      solution.GetProjectEnum((uint)__VSENUMPROJFLAGS.EPF_LOADEDINSOLUTION, ref guid, out enumerator); 
      IVsHierarchy[] hierarchy = new IVsHierarchy[1] { null }; 
      uint fetched = 0; 
      for (enumerator.Reset(); enumerator.Next(1, hierarchy, out fetched) == VSConstants.S_OK && fetched == 1; /*nothing*/) 
       yield return (IVsProject)hierarchy[0]; 

Tylko uwaga o podanym linku kodu Microsoft, który jest teraz złamane – superjos


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