2011-07-20 18 views

Mam ScheduledExecutorService z zadaniami zaplanowanymi do wykonania w ciągu godziny. Jak uzyskać listę zaległych zadań, aby móc je natychmiast uruchomić?Jak uruchomić zaległe zadania zaraz po ExecutorService.shutdown()?

wierzę shutdown() będzie czekać godzinę i wygląda jakby shutdownNow() zwraca listę Runnables że nie można run(), ponieważ Runnable realizacja sprawdza stan Executor i gdy zauważy, że ma wyłączyć Runnable odmawia uruchomienia . Zobacz ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.ScheduledFutureTask.run() dla rzeczywistej realizacji.

Wszelkie pomysły?



Wziąłem odpowiedź Mark Peters, realizując wszystkie metody abstrakcyjne, dodał wątku bezpieczeństwa i starał poszanowaniem podstawowej konfiguracji ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor miarę możliwości.

* Overrides shutdown() to run outstanding tasks immediately. 
* @author Gili Tzabari 
public class RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService extends AbstractExecutorService 
    implements ScheduledExecutorService 
    private final ScheduledExecutorService delegate; 
    private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledThreadPoolExecutor; 
    private final ExecutorService immediateService; 
    private final ConcurrentMap<Future<?>, Callable<?>> tasks = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); 

    * Creates a new RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService. 
    * @param delegate the executor to delegate to 
    public RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService delegate) 
     Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate, "delegate may not be null"); 

     this.delegate = delegate; 
     if (delegate instanceof ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) 
      this.scheduledThreadPoolExecutor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) delegate; 
      this.immediateService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(scheduledThreadPoolExecutor. 
       getCorePoolSize(), scheduledThreadPoolExecutor.getThreadFactory()); 
      scheduledThreadPoolExecutor = null; 
      this.immediateService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder(). 
       setNameFormat(RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService.class.getName() + "-%d").build()); 

    public boolean isShutdown() 
     return delegate.isShutdown(); 

    public boolean isTerminated() 
     return delegate.isTerminated(); 

    public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException 
     long before = System.nanoTime(); 
     if (!delegate.awaitTermination(timeout, unit)) 
      return false; 
     long after = System.nanoTime(); 
     long timeLeft = timeout - unit.convert(after - before, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); 
     return immediateService.awaitTermination(timeLeft, unit); 

    public void execute(Runnable command) 

    public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(final Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit) 
     CleaningRunnable decorated = new CleaningRunnable(command); 
     ScheduledFuture<?> future = delegate.schedule(decorated, delay, unit); 
     tasks.put(future, Executors.callable(command)); 
     return new CleaningScheduledFuture<>(future); 

    public <V> ScheduledFuture<V> schedule(Callable<V> callable, long delay, TimeUnit unit) 
     CallableWithFuture<V> decorated = new CallableWithFuture<>(callable); 
     ScheduledFuture<V> future = delegate.schedule(decorated, delay, unit); 
     tasks.put(future, callable); 
     return new CleaningScheduledFuture<>(future); 

    public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, 
     TimeUnit unit) 
     CleaningRunnable decorated = new CleaningRunnable(command); 
     ScheduledFuture<?> future = delegate.scheduleAtFixedRate(decorated, initialDelay, period, unit); 
     tasks.put(future, Executors.callable(command)); 
     return new CleaningScheduledFuture<>(future); 

    public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long delay, 
     TimeUnit unit) 
     CleaningRunnable decorated = new CleaningRunnable(command); 
     ScheduledFuture<?> future = 
      delegate.scheduleWithFixedDelay(decorated, initialDelay, delay, unit); 
     tasks.put(future, Executors.callable(command)); 
     return new CleaningScheduledFuture<>(future); 

    public synchronized void shutdown() 
     if (delegate.isShutdown()) 
     if (scheduledThreadPoolExecutor != null) 
      // WORKAROUND: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7069418 
      // Cancel waiting scheduled tasks, otherwise executor won't shut down 
     // Users will not be able to cancel() Futures past this point so we're guaranteed that 
     // "tasks" will not be modified. 

     final List<Callable<?>> outstandingTasks = Lists.newArrayList(); 
     for (Map.Entry<Future<?>, Callable<?>> entry: tasks.entrySet()) 
      Future<?> future = entry.getKey(); 
      Callable<?> task = entry.getValue(); 

      if (future.isDone() && future.isCancelled()) 
       // Task called by the underlying executor, not the user. See CleaningScheduledFuture. 
     if (outstandingTasks.isEmpty()) 

     immediateService.submit(new Callable<Void>() 
      public Void call() throws Exception 
       delegate.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); 

       // Execute outstanding tasks only after the delegate executor finishes shutting down 
       for (Callable<?> task: outstandingTasks) 
       return null; 

    public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() 
     return delegate.shutdownNow(); 

    * A Runnable that removes its future when running. 
    private class CleaningRunnable implements Runnable 
     private final Runnable delegate; 
     private Future<?> future; 

     * Creates a new RunnableWithFuture. 
     * @param delegate the Runnable to delegate to 
     * @throws NullPointerException if delegate is null 
     public CleaningRunnable(Runnable delegate) 
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate, "delegate may not be null"); 

      this.delegate = delegate; 

     * Associates a Future with the runnable. 
     * @param future a future 
     public void setFuture(Future<?> future) 
      this.future = future; 

     public void run() 

    * A Callable that removes its future when running. 
    private class CallableWithFuture<V> implements Callable<V> 
     private final Callable<V> delegate; 
     private Future<V> future; 

     * Creates a new CallableWithFuture. 
     * @param delegate the Callable to delegate to 
     * @throws NullPointerException if delegate is null 
     public CallableWithFuture(Callable<V> delegate) 
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate, "delegate may not be null"); 

      this.delegate = delegate; 

     * Associates a Future with the runnable. 
     * @param future a future 
     public void setFuture(Future<V> future) 
      this.future = future; 

     public V call() throws Exception 
      return delegate.call(); 

    * A ScheduledFuture that removes its future when canceling. 
    * This allows us to differentiate between tasks canceled by the user and the underlying 
    * executor. Tasks canceled by the user are removed from "tasks". 
    * @param <V> The result type returned by this Future 
    private class CleaningScheduledFuture<V> implements ScheduledFuture<V> 
     private final ScheduledFuture<V> delegate; 

     * Creates a new MyScheduledFuture. 
     * @param delegate the future to delegate to 
     * @throws NullPointerException if delegate is null 
     public CleaningScheduledFuture(ScheduledFuture<V> delegate) 
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate, "delegate may not be null"); 

      this.delegate = delegate; 

     public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) 
      return delegate.getDelay(unit); 

     public int compareTo(Delayed o) 
      return delegate.compareTo(o); 

     public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) 
      boolean result = delegate.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); 

      if (result) 
       // Tasks canceled by users are removed from "tasks" 
      return result; 

     public boolean isCancelled() 
      return delegate.isCancelled(); 

     public boolean isDone() 
      return delegate.isDone(); 

     public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException 
      return delegate.get(); 

     public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, 
      return delegate.get(timeout, unit); 

Właśnie odkryłem paskudny błąd w ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. Jeśli wątek roboczy oczekuje na zadanie, które zostanie wykonane tylko w ciągu godziny, a anulujesz to zadanie, pracownik będzie czekał, a executor nie zostanie zamknięty. Złożyłem zgłoszenie błędu: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7069418 – Gili


Zaktualizowałem moją odpowiedź z obejściem błędu # 7069418 – Gili


Świetne pytanie! Wygląda na to, że możesz sam rozwiązać problem.

Jedną opcją może być owinięcie ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor za pomocą własnej implementacji ScheduledExecutorService. Kiedy przychodzi czas na zamknięcie usługi, anuluj wszelkie zadania, które można anulować, a zamiast tego wyślij je do serwisu, który wykona je natychmiast. Następnie ta usługa.

Oto bardzo nieokreślony kod, który pokazuje, co mam na myśli, chociaż ostrzegam, że mogą tu występować pułapki, ponieważ zostały porozbijane w ciągu kilku minut. W szczególności nie dołożyłem dużego wysiłku, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo wątków.

class RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService extends AbstractExecutorService implements ScheduledExecutorService { 
    private final ScheduledExecutorService delegateService; 

    private Map<Future<?>, Runnable> scheduledFutures = 
      Collections.synchronizedMap(new IdentityHashMap<Future<?>, Runnable>()); 

    public RunOnShutdownScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService delegateService) { 
     this.delegateService = delegateService; 

    public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit) { 
     ScheduledFuture<?> future = delegateService.schedule(command, delay, unit); 
     scheduledFutures.put(future, command); 
     return future; 

    public void shutdown() { 
     ExecutorService immediateService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); 
     for (Map.Entry<Future<?>, Runnable> entry : scheduledFutures.entrySet()) { 
      Future<?> future = entry.getKey(); 
      Runnable task = entry.getValue(); 
      if (!future.isDone()) { 
       if (future.cancel(false)) { 


Wydaje się, że innym podejściem (omawianym przez Javadoc z ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) jest nadpisanie decorateTask(). Wierzę, że może to doprowadzić do prostszej implementacji. – Gili


@Gili: Wygląda na to, że jest taka możliwość. Proponuję opublikować odpowiedź na własne pytanie, jeśli wygląda na wykonalne. Czy zasugerowałbyś, że nadal będziesz delegował do natychmiastowego egzekutora, czy też pomyślałeś, że możesz udekorować to zadanie w taki sposób, że po zamknięciu jego harmonogram zmienia się? –


Nie sądzę, że można mieszać 'decorateTask()' z Executorem Executorów, ale dam ci jeszcze trochę więcej do myślenia. – Gili

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