

Spójrz na this example.
Tworzy plik .term obok pliku skryptu i wykonuje go.

To jest czyszczony wersja:

function main() { 
    var script_file = File($.fileName); // get the full path of the script 
    var script_folder = script_file.path; // get the path from that 
    var new_termfile = createTermFile("execute_something", script_folder); 
    new_termfile.execute(); // now execute the termfile 
* creates a .term file 
* @param {String} term_file_name --> the name for the .term file 
* @param {Strin} path --> the path to the script file 
* @return {File}    the created termfile 
function createTermFile(term_file_name, path) { 
http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix3/mac/ch01_03.htm .term files 
You can launch a customized Terminal window from the command line by saving some prototypical Terminal settings to a .term file, 
then using the open command to launch the .term file (see "open" in Section 1.5.4, later in this chapter). 
You should save the .term file someplace where you can find it later, such as ~/bin or ~/Documents. 
If you save it in ~/Library/Application Support/Terminal, the .term file will show up in Terminal's File Library menu. 
To create a .term file, open a new Terminal window, and then open the Inspector (File Show Info, or -I) 
and set the desired attributes, such as window size, fonts, and colors. When the Terminal's attributes 
have been set, save the Terminal session (File Save, or -S) to a .term file (for example, ~/Documents/proto.term). 
Now, any time you want to launch a Terminal window from the command line, you can issue the following command: 
    var termfile = new File(path + "/" + term_file_name + ".term"); 
     "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + 
     "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\"" + 
     "\"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n" + 
     "<plist version=\"1.0\">\n" + 
     "<dict>\n" + 
     "<key>WindowSettings</key>\n" + 
     "<array>\n" + 
     " <dict>\n" + 
     "<key>CustomTitle</key>\n" + 
     "<string>My first termfile</string>\n" + 
     "<key>ExecutionString</key>\n" + 
     "<string>python\nprint \"Hello World\"\nexit()</string>\n" + 
     "</dict>\n" + 
     "</array>\n" + 
     "</dict>\n" + 
    return termfile; 

obiekty ExtendScript pliku mają metodę execute(), jak już pokazano Fabian. Nie wiedziałem o plikach .term i zamiast tego użyłem pliku .command, to raczej zwykły skrypt niż XML.

Jeśli uruchomiony w ciągu InDesign, można ominąć Terminal.app i używać AppleScript:

myScript = 'do shell script "diff f1 f2 > o" '; 
app.doScript(myScript, ScriptLanguage.applescriptLanguage); 

Tak plik .command jest sposób chłodniej niż pełnego pliku .term! (Nie znał ich) Jedyną rzeczą, którą musisz zrobić, aby był wykonywalny. Plik .term zostanie natychmiast wykonany – fabianmoronzirfas

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