2013-09-21 9 views

Pracuję z JAXB po raz pierwszy i mam pewne problemy ze zrozumieniem, co chce, żebym zrobił.JAXB IllegalAnnotationExceptions

Ustawiłem klasę, która będzie częścią dość dużego XML - ta klasa będzie reprezentować sekcję "Nagłówek" dokumentu XML.

package com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc; 

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; 

import com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.AbstractXML; 

@XmlRootElement(name = "Header") 
@XmlType(propOrder = {"OrderRoutine", "CreationDate", "CreationTime", "UserId", "CustomerNumber", 
         "OrderType", "Salesman", "Handler", "Warehouse", "PrimaryCurrency", "OrderNumber", 
         "Name", "OrderDate", "DeliveryAddressNumber", "ConfirmationAddressNumber", "FullName999", 
         "CompanyName999", "StreetAddress999Line1", "StreetAddress999Line2", "City999", "StateProvince999", 
         "PostCode999", "Country999", "Resale999", "InvoiceCustomerNumber", "CustomerReference", 
         "NumberOfInvoiceCopies", "Language", "VAT", "Backlog", "OrderDiscountPercent", "DiscountGroup", 
         "PriceCode", "StandardTextNumber", "HoldOrder", "TermsOfPayment", "CreditDays", "TermsOfDelivery", 
         "MannerOfTransport", "FreightFee", "PostageFee", "InsuranceFee", "AdministrationFee", "InvoiceFee", 
         "CustomersOrderNumberReference", "GoodsMarking", "HoldInvoice", "DeliveryAddressEngineer", 
         "DeliveryAddressLocation", "CountryDispatchedToArrivedFrom", "VATRegNumberOfDebtorAddr", 
         "NatureOfTransaction", "VATHandlingCode", "PortOfArrivalDispatch", "CountryOfTrader", "InternalOrder", 
         "ToWarehouse", "RouteId", "DepartureId", "DestinationId", "ShippingAgent", "ContactListCode", 
         "Salesman2", "CreationDate2", "Sequence", "DebtorNumber", "DebtorAddressNumber", "InvoiceAddressNumber", 
         "WebOrder", "Confirmed", "ClientIdentity"}) 
public class Header extends AbstractXML { 

    public Header() throws JAXBException { 



    @XmlElement(name = "OrderRoutine", required = true) 
    private String orderRoutine; 

    public void setOrderRoutine(String orderRoutine) { 

     this.orderRoutine = orderRoutine; 


    public String getOrderRoutine() { 

     return this.orderRoutine; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CreationDate", required = false) 
    private String creationDate; 

    public void setCreationDate(String creationDate) { 

     this.creationDate = creationDate; 


    public String getCreationDate() { 

     return this.creationDate; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CreationTime", required = false) 
    private String creationTime; 

    public void setCreationTime(String creationTime) { 

     this.creationTime = creationTime; 


    public String getCreationTime() { 

     return this.creationTime; 


    @XmlElement(name = "UserId", required = false) 
    private String userId; 

    public void setUserId(String userId) { 

     this.userId = userId; 


    public String getUserId() { 

     return this.userId; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CustomerNumber", required = true) 
    private String customerNumber; 

    public void setCustomerNumber(String customerNumber) { 

     this.customerNumber = customerNumber; 


    public String getCustomerNumber() { 

     return this.customerNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "OrderType", required = true) 
    private String orderType; 

    public void setOrderType(String orderType) { 

     this.orderType = orderType; 


    public String getOrderType() { 

     return this.orderType; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Salesman", required = true) 
    private String salesman; 

    public void setSalesman(String salesman) { 

     this.salesman = salesman; 


    public String getSalesman() { 

     return this.salesman; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Handler", required = true) 
    private String handler; 

    public void setHandler(String handler) { 

     this.handler = handler; 


    public String getHandler() { 

     return this.handler; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Warehouse", required = true) 
    private String warehouse; 

    public void setWarehouse(String warehouse) { 

     this.warehouse = warehouse; 


    public String getWarehouse() { 

     return this.warehouse; 


    @XmlElement(name = "PrimaryCurrency", required = true) 
    private String primaryCurrency; 

    public void setPrimaryCurrency(String primaryCurrency) { 

     this.primaryCurrency = primaryCurrency; 


    public String getPrimaryCurrency() { 

     return this.primaryCurrency; 


    @XmlElement(name = "OrderNumber", required = false) 
    private String orderNumber; 

    public void setOrderNumber(String orderNumber) { 

     this.orderNumber = orderNumber; 


    public String getOrderNumber() { 

     return this.orderNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Name", required = false) 
    private String name; 

    public void setName(String name) { 

     this.name = name; 


    public String getName() { 

     return this.name; 


    @XmlElement(name = "OrderDate", required = false) 
    private String orderDate; 

    public void setOrderDate(String orderDate) { 

     this.orderDate = orderDate; 


    public String getOrderDate() { 

     return this.orderDate; 


    @XmlElement(name = "DeliveryAddressNumber", required = false) 
    private String deliveryAddressNumber; 

    public void setDeliveryAddressNumber(String deliveryAddressNumber) { 

     this.deliveryAddressNumber = deliveryAddressNumber; 


    public String getDeliveryAddressNumber() { 

     return this.deliveryAddressNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "ConfirmationAddressNumber", required = false) 
    private String confirmationAddressNumber; 

    public void setConfirmationAddressNumber(String confirmationAddressNumber) { 

     this.confirmationAddressNumber = confirmationAddressNumber; 


    public String getConfirmationAddressNumber() { 

     return this.confirmationAddressNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "FullName999", required = true) 
    private String fullName999; 

    public void setFullName999(String fullName999) { 

     this.fullName999 = fullName999; 


    public String getFullName999() { 

     return this.fullName999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CompanyName999", required = true) 
    private String companyName999; 

    public void setCompanyName999(String companyName999) { 

     this.companyName999 = companyName999; 


    public String getCompanyName999() { 

     return this.companyName999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "StreetAddress999Line1", required = true) 
    private String streetAddress999Line1; 

    public void setStreetAddress999Line1(String streetAddress999Line1) { 

     this.streetAddress999Line1 = streetAddress999Line1; 


    public String getStreetAddress999Line1() { 

     return this.streetAddress999Line1; 


    @XmlElement(name = "StreetAddress999Line2", required = true) 
    private String streetAddress999Line2; 

    public void setStreetAddress999Line2(String streetAddress999Line2) { 

     this.streetAddress999Line2 = streetAddress999Line2; 


    public String getStreetAddress999Line2() { 

     return this.streetAddress999Line2; 


    @XmlElement(name = "City999", required = true) 
    private String city999; 

    public void setCity999(String city999) { 

     this.city999 = city999; 


    public String getCity999() { 

     return this.city999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "StateProvince999", required = true) 
    private String stateProvince999; 

    public void setStateProvince999(String stateProvince999) { 

     this.stateProvince999 = stateProvince999; 


    public String getStateProvince999() { 

     return this.stateProvince999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "PostCode999", required = true) 
    private String postCode999; 

    public void setPostCode999(String postCode999) { 

     this.postCode999 = postCode999; 


    public String getPostCode999() { 

     return this.postCode999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Country999", required = true) 
    private String country999; 

    public void setCountry999(String country999) { 

     this.country999 = country999; 


    public String getCountry999() { 

     return this.country999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Resale999", required = false) 
    private String resale999; 

    public void setResale999(String resale999) { 

     this.resale999 = resale999; 


    public String getResale999() { 

     return this.resale999; 


    @XmlElement(name = "InvoiceCustomerNumber", required = false) 
    private String invoiceCustomerNumber; 

    public void setInvoiceCustomerNumber(String invoiceCustomerNumber) { 

     this.invoiceCustomerNumber = invoiceCustomerNumber; 


    public String getInvoiceCustomerNumber() { 

     return this.invoiceCustomerNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CustomerReference", required = false) 
    private String customerReference; 

    public void setCustomerReference(String customerReference) { 

     this.customerReference = customerReference; 


    public String getCustomerReference() { 

     return this.customerReference; 


    @XmlElement(name = "NumberOfInvoiceCopies", required = false) 
    private String numberOfInvoiceCopies; 

    public void setNumberOfInvoiceCopies(String numberOfInvoiceCopies) { 

     this.numberOfInvoiceCopies = numberOfInvoiceCopies; 


    public String getNumberOfInvoiceCopies() { 

     return this.numberOfInvoiceCopies; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Language", required = false) 
    private String language; 

    public void setLanguage(String language) { 

     this.language = language; 


    public String getLanguage() { 

     return this.language; 


    @XmlElement(name = "VAT", required = false) 
    private String vat; 

    public void setVAT(String vat) { 

     this.vat = vat; 


    public String getVAT() { 

     return this.vat; 


    @XmlElement(name = "Backlog", required = false) 
    private String backlog; 

    public void setBacklog(String backlog) { 

     this.backlog = backlog; 


    public String getBacklog() { 

     return this.backlog; 


    @XmlElement(name = "OrderDiscountPercent", required = false) 
    private String orderDiscountPercent; 

    public void setOrderDiscountPercent(String orderDiscountPercent) { 

     this.orderDiscountPercent = orderDiscountPercent; 


    public String getOrderDiscountPercent() { 

     return this.orderDiscountPercent; 


    @XmlElement(name = "DiscountGroup", required = false) 
    private String discountGroup; 

    public void setDiscountGroup(String discountGroup) { 

     this.discountGroup = discountGroup; 


    public String getDiscountGroup() { 

     return this.discountGroup; 


    @XmlElement(name = "PriceCode", required = false) 
    private String priceCode; 

    public void setPriceCode(String priceCode) { 

     this.priceCode = priceCode; 


    public String getPriceCode() { 

     return this.priceCode; 


    @XmlElement(name = "StandardTextNumber", required = false) 
    private String standardTextNumber; 

    public void setStandardTextNumber(String standardTextNumber) { 

     this.standardTextNumber = standardTextNumber; 


    public String getStandardTextNumber() { 

     return this.standardTextNumber; 


    @XmlElement(name = "HoldOrder", required = false) 
    private String holdOrder; 

    public void setHoldOrder(String holdOrder) { 

     this.holdOrder = holdOrder; 


    public String getHoldOrder() { 

     return this.holdOrder; 


    @XmlElement(name = "TermsOfPayment", required = true) 
    private String termsOfPayment; 

    public void setTermsOfPayment(String termsOfPayment) { 

     this.termsOfPayment = termsOfPayment; 


    public String getTermsOfPayment() { 

     return this.termsOfPayment; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CreditDays", required = false) 
    private String creditDays; 

    public void setCreditDays(String creditDays) { 

     this.creditDays = creditDays; 


    public String getCreditDays() { 

     return this.creditDays; 


    @XmlElement(name = "TermsOfDelivery", required = false) 
    private String termsOfDelivery; 

    public void setTermsOfDelivery(String termsOfDelivery) { 

     this.termsOfDelivery = termsOfDelivery; 


    public String getTermsOfDelivery() { 

     return this.termsOfDelivery; 


    @XmlElement(name = "MannerOfTransport", required = true) 
    private String mannerOfTransport; 

    public void setMannerOfTransport(String mannerOfTransport) { 

     this.mannerOfTransport = mannerOfTransport; 


    public String getMannerOfTransport() { 

     return this.mannerOfTransport; 


    @XmlElement(name = "FreightFee", required = true) 
    private String freightFee; 

    public void setFreightFee(String freightFee) { 

     this.freightFee = freightFee; 


    public String getFreightFee() { 

     return this.freightFee; 


    @XmlElement(name = "PostageFee", required = false) 
    private String postageFee; 

    public void setPostageFee(String postageFee) { 

     this.postageFee = postageFee; 


    public String getPostageFee() { 

     return this.postageFee; 


    @XmlElement(name = "InsuranceFee", required = false) 
    private String insuranceFee; 

    public void setInsuranceFee(String insuranceFee) { 

     this.insuranceFee = insuranceFee; 


    public String getInsuranceFee() { 

     return this.insuranceFee; 


    @XmlElement(name = "AdministrationFee", required = false) 
    private String administrationFee; 

    public void setAdministrationFee(String administrationFee) { 

     this.administrationFee = administrationFee; 


    public String getAdministrationFee() { 

     return this.administrationFee; 


    @XmlElement(name = "InvoiceFee", required = false) 
    private String invoiceFee; 

    public void setInvoiceFee(String invoiceFee) { 

     this.invoiceFee = invoiceFee; 


    public String getInvoiceFee() { 

     return this.invoiceFee; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CustomersOrderNumberReference", required = true) 
    private String customersOrderNumberReference; 

    public void setCustomersOrderNumberReference(String customersOrderNumberReference) { 

     this.customersOrderNumberReference = customersOrderNumberReference; 


    public String getCustomersOrderNumberReference() { 

     return this.customersOrderNumberReference; 


    @XmlElement(name = "GoodsMarking", required = true) 
    private String goodsMarking; 

    public void setGoodsMarking(String goodsMarking) { 

     this.goodsMarking = goodsMarking; 


    public String getGoodsMarking() { 

     return this.goodsMarking; 


    @XmlElement(name = "HoldInvoice", required = false) 
    private String holdInvoice; 

    public void setcustomersOrderNumberReference(String holdInvoice) { 

     this.holdInvoice = holdInvoice; 


    public String getcustomersOrderNumberReference() { 

     return this.holdInvoice; 


    @XmlElement(name = "DeliveryAddressEngineer", required = false) 
    private String deliveryAddressEngineer; 

    public void setDeliveryAddressEngineer(String deliveryAddressEngineer) { 

     this.deliveryAddressEngineer = deliveryAddressEngineer; 


    public String getDeliveryAddressEngineer() { 

     return this.deliveryAddressEngineer; 


    @XmlElement(name = "DeliveryAddressLocation", required = false) 
    private String deliveryAddressLocation; 

    public void setDeliveryAddressLocation(String deliveryAddressLocation) { 

     this.deliveryAddressLocation = deliveryAddressLocation; 


    public String getDeliveryAddressLocation() { 

     return this.deliveryAddressLocation; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CountryDispatchedToArrivedFrom", required = false) 
    private String countryDispatchedToArrivedFrom; 

    public void setCountryDispatchedToArrivedFrom(String countryDispatchedToArrivedFrom) { 

     this.countryDispatchedToArrivedFrom = countryDispatchedToArrivedFrom; 


    public String getCountryDispatchedToArrivedFrom() { 

     return this.countryDispatchedToArrivedFrom; 


    @XmlElement(name = "VATRegNumberOfDebtorAddr", required = false) 
    private String vatRegNumberOfDebtorAddr; 

    public void setVATRegNumberOfDebtorAddr(String vatRegNumberOfDebtorAddr) { 

     this.vatRegNumberOfDebtorAddr = vatRegNumberOfDebtorAddr; 


    public String getVATRegNumberOfDebtorAddr() { 

     return this.vatRegNumberOfDebtorAddr; 


    @XmlElement(name = "NatureOfTransaction", required = false) 
    private String natureOfTransaction; 

    public void setNatureOfTransaction(String natureOfTransaction) { 

     this.natureOfTransaction = natureOfTransaction; 


    public String getNatureOfTransaction() { 

     return this.natureOfTransaction; 


    @XmlElement(name = "VATHandlingCode", required = false) 
    private String vatHandlingCode; 

    public void setVATHandlingCode(String vatHandlingCode) { 

     this.vatHandlingCode = vatHandlingCode; 


    public String getVATHandlingCode() { 

     return this.vatHandlingCode; 


    @XmlElement(name = "PortOfArrivalDispatch", required = false) 
    private String portOfArrivalDispatch; 

    public void setPortOfArrivalDispatch(String portOfArrivalDispatch) { 

     this.portOfArrivalDispatch = portOfArrivalDispatch; 


    public String getPortOfArrivalDispatch() { 

     return this.portOfArrivalDispatch; 


    @XmlElement(name = "CountryOfTrader", required = false) 
    private String countryOfTrader; 

    public void setCountryOfTrader(String countryOfTrader) { 

     this.countryOfTrader = countryOfTrader; 


    public String getCountryOfTrader() { 

     return this.countryOfTrader; 


    // ETC... 


Oto ślad stosu:

Exception in thread "main" com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 142 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions 
Property orderRoutine is present but not specified in @XmlType.propOrder 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at private java.lang.String com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header.orderRoutine 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property creationDate is present but not specified in @XmlType.propOrder 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at private java.lang.String com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header.creationDate 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property creationTime is present but not specified in @XmlType.propOrder 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at private java.lang.String com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header.creationTime 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property userId is present but not specified in @XmlType.propOrder 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at private java.lang.String com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header.userId 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 

.. itp ..

Property OrderRoutine appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant orderRoutine? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property CreationDate appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant creationDate? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property CreationTime appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant creationTime? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 

.. ETC .. 

Property InvoiceAddressNumber appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant invoiceAddressNumber? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property WebOrder appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant webOrder? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property Confirmed appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant confirmed? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 
Property ClientIdentity appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists. Maybe you meant clientIdentity? 
    this problem is related to the following location: 
     at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header 

    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException$Builder.check(Unknown Source) 
    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getTypeInfoSet(Unknown Source) 
    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.<init>(Unknown Source) 
    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.<init>(Unknown Source) 
    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl$JAXBContextBuilder.build(Unknown Source) 
    at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(Unknown Source) 
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 
    at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.newInstance(Unknown Source) 
    at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.newInstance(Unknown Source) 
    at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.find(Unknown Source) 
    at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(Unknown Source) 
    at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(Unknown Source) 
    at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.AbstractXML.<init>(AbstractXML.java:21) 
    at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.soc.Header.<init>(Header.java:33) 
    at com.somecompany.jscentral.xml.integrator.IntegratorSOCXML.main(IntegratorSOCXML.java:22) 

Próbowałem inny @XmlAccessorType „s ... ale bez zmian. Próbowałem również opisywanie metod z @XmlTransient i bez różnicy. Co ja robię źle?


Możesz być lepiej określając schematu XML dla dokumentu i stosując 'xjc' skompilować go do klas. –


@BoristheSpider hmm ... ciekawe, nie wiedziałem, że mogę to zrobić. Nie mam napisanego schematu, ale mam produkcyjny XML do kompilacji. Może pisanie schematu będzie mniej pisanie ... – SnakeDoc



Numer propOrder jest oparty na nazwie pola/właściwości, a nie na nazwie elementu. Jeśli wprowadzisz tę zmianę, wszystko będzie działać poprawnie.

Także jeśli masz zamiar opisywanie pola należy określić @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) na swojej klasie.

Ponadto, ponieważ zauważam masz dziedziczenie w modelu nie można obejmują dziedziczone właściwości w propOrder chyba zaznaczyć klasę część z @XmlTransient.


+1, który załatwił sprawę! - Pierwotnie miałem typ dostępu ustawiony na 'FIELD', ale moje eksperymentowanie doprowadziło mnie do' NONE'. Naprawiono również teraz. (Przyjmuję, że raz skończy się czas) – SnakeDoc