2015-04-04 10 views




module.exports = { 
    'Check getting log messages' : function (client) { 
     .getLogTypes(function(result) { 
     .getLog('browser', function(result) { 

    return client; 

To da wyświetlamy

[Start] Test Suite 

Running: Check getting log messages 
[ 'har', 'browser', 'client', 'server' ] 
[ { message: 'Test error\n error (:0)', 
    timestamp: 1428447687315, 
    level: 'WARNING' }, 
    { message: 'Test log (:)', 
    timestamp: 1428447687315, 
    level: 'INFO' } ] 
No assertions ran. 

Commands getLogTypes i getLog są już wdrażane w client commands ale ich opis są nieobecne na stronie API

Wygląda na to, że warto odczytu kodu źródłowego zamiast dokumentacji

Poniżej JSDoc do tej funkcji z kodu źródłowego:

* Gets the available log types 
* ``` 
* this.demoTest = function(client) { 
* this.getLogTypes(function(typesArray) { 
* }); 
* }; 
* ``` 
* @method getLogTypes 
* @param {function} [callback] Optional callback function to be called when the command finishes. 
* @api commands 
* @see logTypes 


* Gets a log from selenium 
* ``` 
* this.demoTest = function(client) { 
* this.getLog('browser', function(logEntriesArray) { 
*  console.log("Log length: " + logEntriesArray.length); 
*  logEntriesArray.forEach(function(log) { 
*  console.log("[" + log.level + "] " + log.timestamp + " : " + log.message); 
*  }); 
* }); 
* }; 
* ``` 
* @method getLog 
* @param {string} typeString Log type to request 
* @param {function} [callback] Optional callback function to be called when the command finishes. 
* @api commands 
* @see log 

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