2012-12-21 12 views

Próbuję programowo pobrać niektóre informacje logowania do RDC/RDP i "Console" przez C#.C# Pobierz informacje o sesji RDC/RDP i "konsoli"

Chcę opracować prostą aplikację konsolową (.EXE), dzięki której będę mógł pobierać informacje z Menedżera zadań -> Zakładka Użytkownicy dowolnego komputera zdalnego w naszej domenie (Windows Server 2003 x86 lub 2008R2 x64).

Pokazuje, czy dana osoba jest zalogowana na serwerze bezpośrednio (tj. Konsola) lub przez RDC/RDP (w tym klienta, jeśli jest nadal aktywna) lub odłączona, jeśli jest "zawieszona" (tj. Nie wylogowała się ale po prostu zamknięte okna/RDP RDC tymczasowo)

mam uprawnienia administratora na wszystkich serwerach i może skonfigurować wszystkie okna usługi/reguł zapory, które muszą być włączone/wyłączone (jeśli jest wymagane)

Chyba muszę prawdopodobnie korzystam z WMI (przy użyciu System.Management), ale przykłady, które znalazłem z google, tylko pobierają istniejącego użytkownika.

//Method 1 
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
       "SELECT UserName FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"); 
var collection = Searcher.Get(); 
foreach(ManagementObject entry in collection) 

//Method 2 
string computer = "somecomputername"; 
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
       computer + @"root\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_TerminalService"); 
var collection = Searcher.Get(); 
foreach(ManagementObject entry in collection) 
    //Write them out (although usernames isnt listed from the example I found) 



To da ci wszystko, czego potrzebujesz. Wystarczy zadzwonić pod numer ListSessions i podać nazwę serwera. Aby uzyskać dodatkowe informacje o sesji, należy przekazać ServerName i SessionId do GetSessionInfo.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

namespace TerminalTools 
    public class TermServicesManager 

     static extern IntPtr WTSOpenServer([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String pServerName); 

     static extern void WTSCloseServer(IntPtr hServer); 

     public static extern bool WTSQuerySessionInformation(IntPtr hServer, int sessionId, WTS_INFO_CLASS wtsInfoClass, 
      out System.IntPtr ppBuffer, out uint pBytesReturned); 

     static extern Int32 WTSEnumerateSessions(IntPtr hServer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] Int32 Reserved, 
      [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] Int32 Version, ref IntPtr ppSessionInfo, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref Int32 pCount); 

     static extern void WTSFreeMemory(IntPtr pMemory); 

     private struct WTS_SESSION_INFO 
      public Int32 SessionID; 
      public String pWinStationName; 
      public WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS State; 

     public struct WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS 
      public uint AddressFamily; 
      [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)] 
      public byte[] Address; 

     public struct WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY 
      public uint HorizontalResolution; 
      public uint VerticalResolution; 
      public uint ColorDepth; 

     public enum WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS 

     public enum WTS_INFO_CLASS 
      InitialProgram = 0, 
      ApplicationName = 1, 
      WorkingDirectory = 2, 
      OEMId = 3, 
      SessionId = 4, 
      UserName = 5, 
      WinStationName = 6, 
      DomainName = 7, 
      ConnectState = 8, 
      ClientBuildNumber = 9, 
      ClientName = 10, 
      ClientDirectory = 11, 
      ClientProductId = 12, 
      ClientHardwareId = 13, 
      ClientAddress = 14, 
      ClientDisplay = 15, 
      ClientProtocolType = 16 

         private static IntPtr OpenServer(string Name) 
     IntPtr server = WTSOpenServer(Name); 
     return server; 

        private static void CloseServer(IntPtr ServerHandle) 

     public static List<TerminalSessionData> ListSessions(string ServerName) 
      IntPtr server = IntPtr.Zero; 
      List<TerminalSessionData> ret = new List<TerminalSessionData>(); 
      server = OpenServer(ServerName); 

       IntPtr ppSessionInfo = IntPtr.Zero; 

       Int32 count = 0; 
       Int32 retval = WTSEnumerateSessions(server, 0, 1, ref ppSessionInfo, ref count); 
       Int32 dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO)); 

       Int64 current = (int)ppSessionInfo; 

       if (retval != 0) 
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
         WTS_SESSION_INFO si = (WTS_SESSION_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure((System.IntPtr)current, typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO)); 
         current += dataSize; 

         ret.Add(new TerminalSessionData(si.SessionID, si.State, si.pWinStationName)); 


      return ret; 

     public static TerminalSessionInfo GetSessionInfo(string ServerName, int SessionId) 
      IntPtr server = IntPtr.Zero; 
      server = OpenServer(ServerName); 
      System.IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero; 
      uint bytesReturned; 
      TerminalSessionInfo data = new TerminalSessionInfo(); 

       bool worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ApplicationName, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       string strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.ApplicationName = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientAddress, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS si = (WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS)Marshal.PtrToStructure((System.IntPtr)buffer, typeof(WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS)); 
       data.ClientAddress = si; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientBuildNumber, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       int lData = Marshal.ReadInt32(buffer); 
       data.ClientBuildNumber = lData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientDirectory, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.ClientDirectory = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientDisplay, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY cd = (WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY)Marshal.PtrToStructure((System.IntPtr)buffer, typeof(WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY)); 
       data.ClientDisplay = cd; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientHardwareId, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 

       if (!worked) 
        return data; 

       lData = Marshal.ReadInt32(buffer); 
       data.ClientHardwareId = lData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientName, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.ClientName = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientProductId, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       Int16 intData = Marshal.ReadInt16(buffer); 
       data.ClientProductId = intData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ClientProtocolType, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       intData = Marshal.ReadInt16(buffer); 
       data.ClientProtocolType = intData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.ConnectState, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       lData = Marshal.ReadInt32(buffer); 
       data.ConnectState = (WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS)Enum.ToObject(typeof(WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS), lData); 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.DomainName, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.DomainName = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.InitialProgram, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.InitialProgram = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.OEMId, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.OEMId = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.SessionId, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       lData = Marshal.ReadInt32(buffer); 
       data.SessionId = lData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.UserName, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.UserName = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.WinStationName, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.WinStationName = strData; 

       worked = WTSQuerySessionInformation(server, SessionId, 
        WTS_INFO_CLASS.WorkingDirectory, out buffer, out bytesReturned); 
       strData = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer); 
       data.WorkingDirectory = strData; 
       buffer = IntPtr.Zero; 

      return data; 


    public class TerminalSessionData 
     public int SessionId; 
     public TermServicesManager.WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS ConnectionState; 
     public string StationName; 

          public TerminalSessionData(int sessionId, TermServicesManager.WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS connState, string stationName) 
     SessionId = sessionId; 
     ConnectionState = connState; 
     StationName = stationName; 

        public override string ToString() 
     return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", SessionId, ConnectionState, StationName); 

    public class TerminalSessionInfo 
     public string InitialProgram; 
     public string ApplicationName; 
     public string WorkingDirectory; 
     public string OEMId; 
     public int SessionId; 
     public string UserName; 
     public string WinStationName; 
     public string DomainName; 
     public TermServicesManager.WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS ConnectState; 
     public int ClientBuildNumber; 
     public string ClientName; 
     public string ClientDirectory; 
     public int ClientProductId; 
     public int ClientHardwareId; 
     public TermServicesManager.WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS ClientAddress; 
     public TermServicesManager.WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY ClientDisplay; 
     public int ClientProtocolType; 

hi Hovercrafty to zwraca poprawnych danych (liczba połączeń, Session ID i „typ połączenia”) od użytkowników Tab ale brakuje dwóch kolumn klucza (od Użytkowników karcie w Menedżerze zadań) wartości nazwy użytkownika i clientname. Czy przekazałem WTS_SESSION_INFO i/lub TerminalSessionData.SessionId do innej metody, aby pobrać te dwie kolumny? – Kyle


@Kyle Zaktualizowałem odpowiedź, aby uwzględnić metody, których potrzebujesz, aby uzyskać dodatkowe dane sesji. –


Bardzo kompletna odpowiedź i na pewno warta przegranej. –