2014-12-17 12 views

Otrzymuję następujący komunikat o błędzie: Wykonywanie zatrzymania aktywności, które nie zostało wznowione LoginActivity. Czytałem inne wątki dotyczące tego błędu, ale nadal nie widzę, jaki jest problem.Wykonywanie zatrzymania aktywności, które nie zostało wznowione - Android

Oto moja Logcat:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Performing stop of activity that is not resumed: {package/package.LoginActivity} 
     at android.app.ActivityThread.performStopActivityInner(ActivityThread.java:3333) 
     at android.app.ActivityThread.handleStopActivity(ActivityThread.java:3420) 
     at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1200(ActivityThread.java:161) 
     at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1292) 
     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 
     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:157) 
     at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5356) 
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515) 
     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1265) 
     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1081) 
     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 

A mój aktywny:

public class LoginActivity extends Activity { 
EditText edtMail,edtPass; 
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    Button regButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.registerbtn); 
    Button logButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.login); 

    final Context context = getApplicationContext(); 
    edtMail = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.email); 
    edtPass = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.pword); 
    // testing if GooglePlayServices works//TODO 
    if(GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this) == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) 
     System.out.println("Google PLAY SERVICES"); 

    //getting specs for device //TODO 
    HashMap<String, String> specsHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); 
    GetSpecs getSpecs = new GetSpecs(this); 
    specsHash = getSpecs.getAllSpecs(); 
    for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : specsHash.entrySet()) { 
     String key = entry.getKey(); 
     String value = entry.getValue(); 
     System.out.println(key + " = " + value); 

    //check device camera 
    boolean hasCamera = CheckDeviceCamera.isDeviceSupportCamera(context); 

    //check device GPS 
    boolean hasGPS = CheckDeviceGPS.isDeviceSupportGPS(context); 

    //if have details try to log the user in 
    if (new SharedPrefsMemo().getPrefs(context) == 1) { 
     DatabaseConnector databaseConnector = new DatabaseConnector(context); 
     //gasire: 0->nimic gasit, 1->gasit agent; 2->gasit asistent 
     int gasire = databaseConnector.loadInregistrare(Prefs.emailPref, Prefs.parolaPref); 
     if (gasire != 0) { 
      Intent myIntent = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, MainActivity.class); 
      myIntent.putExtra("tip", gasire); 

    //register button 
    regButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
     public void onClick(View v) { 
      Intent intent = new Intent(context, RegisterSplitActivity.class); 

    logButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
     public void onClick(View v) { 

      String password = edtPass.getText().toString(); 
      String email = edtMail.getText().toString(); 

      DatabaseConnector databaseConnector = new DatabaseConnector(context); 

      int gasire = databaseConnector.loadInregistrare(email, password); 
      if(gasire != 0) { 
       SharedPrefsMemo sharedPrefsMemo = new SharedPrefsMemo(); 

       if(gasire == 1) { 
        sharedPrefsMemo.memoPrefs(GetObiecte.agent.email, GetObiecte.agent.parola, GetObiecte.agent.id, 
        Intent myIntent = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, MainActivity.class); 
        myIntent.putExtra("tip", gasire); 


        if(gasire == 2) { 
         sharedPrefsMemo.memoPrefs(GetObiecte.asistent.email, GetObiecte.asistent.parola, 
                GetObiecte.asistent.id, context); 
         Intent myIntent = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, MainActivity.class); 
         myIntent.putExtra("tip", gasire); 


      else { 
       CharSequence text = "Date de logare gresite!"; 
       int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG; 
       Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration); 


protected void onResume() { 
    //activare GPS//TODO 
    LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager)this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); 
    if(!locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) { 
     //Ask the user to enable GPS 
     AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 
     builder.setTitle("Location Manager"); 
     builder.setMessage("Activate GPS?"); 
     builder.setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { 
       //Launch settings, allowing user to make a change 
       Intent i = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS); 
     builder.setNegativeButton("No", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { 
       //No location service, no Activity 
       int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG; 
       Toast toast = Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Activate the GPS", duration); 


spróbuj skomentować zakończenie(); w onResume .. następnie uruchom i sprawdź, czy nadal daje błąd/ – Jamil


Napisz kod dla włączania GPS w metodzie onCreate() zamiast onResume() przez komentowanie finish(). – Swapnika


nadal nie działa – Juvie22



miałem ten sam problem i odpowiedź przez @sheetal rozwiązać mój problem.


The issue will still be there on all HighEnd phones with 4.4.2 and above including NEXUS 5,Samsumg s4 since onResume gets called but still it is in animation stage.So if you try to start a activity in onResume the issue will replicate.

stworzyłem obsługi zacząć moją intencję z małym opóźnieniem i problem zniknął.

Mam nadzieję, że pomoże


Świetnie. Dzięki. Wygląda na to, że problem dotyczy wyższych interfejsów API Androida – Juvie22

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