2012-03-09 20 views

Mam dwa lista jakC#: Jak posortować listę obiektów w oparciu o listy ciąg

List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" }; 

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
          { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
           new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
           new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
           new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
           new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 

Gdzie Test jest klasa jak

public class Test 
     public String Name; 
     public Int32 Age; 

muszę uporządkować elementy w l_lstStudents na podstawie l_lstNames. Tak uporządkowany wykaz będzie jak,

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
         { new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
          new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
          new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
          new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 
          new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 

Teraz używam for to zrobić.


  1. Utwórz nową listę Test obiektów.

  2. Powtórz pętlę dla l_lstNames i pobierz obiekt Test z l_lstStudent i dodaj to samo do nowo utworzonej listy. Wreszcie przypisać nową listę l_lstStudent

Proszę mi pomóc to zrobić w prosty sposób (Linq lub lambda)


Wiem, mówiłeś proste, ale jesteś bardziej związane z wykonaniem lub kilku liniach kodu? – Tung


możliwy duplikat [Listy sortowania C# na podstawie innej listy] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3355928/c-sharp-sort-list-based-on-another-list) – nawfal



Spróbuj tego:

l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(s => l_lstNames.IndexOf(s.Name)).ToList() 

Myślę, że wyraża wolę całkiem Wyraźnie.


Spróbuj czegoś takiego:

List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" }; 

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
          { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
           new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
           new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
           new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
           new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 

// We transform the list in a dictionary to make it faster to access. 
// The first Select creates a new object with the index of the name and 
// the ToDictionary creates the Dictionary. 
// Note that technically on a small list (like 5 elements) 
// it's probably faster to IndexOf directly the List... 
// This is the problem of premature optimization :-) :-) 
// If you know the list will always be 5 elements then probably 
// IndexOf is more than enough. 
var dict = l_lstNames.Select((p, i) => new { Index = i, Name = p }) 
        .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Index); 

// We sort it. This works because 3 < 5 => 3 - 5 < 0, 5 > 3 => 5 - 3 > 0, 5 == 5 => 5 - 5 == 0 
l_lstStudents.Sort((p, q) => dict[p.Name] - dict[q.Name]); 

// We could do something like and it would be clearer. 
l_lstStudents.Sort((p, q) => dict[p.Name].CompareTo(dict[q.Name])); 

Jak o

var studentLookup = l_lstStudents.ToDictionary(s => s.Name, s => s); 
return l_lstNames.Select(n => studentLookup[n]); 


l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(x => l_lstNames.IndexOf(x.Name)).ToList(); 

w małym programem testowym

public class Test 
    public String Name; 
    public Int32 Age; 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" }; 

     List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
            { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
             new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
             new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
             new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
             new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 

     l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(x => l_lstNames.IndexOf(x.Name)).ToList(); 


Age  21  int 
Name "A1" string 

Age  23  int 
Name "A3" string 

Age  22  int 
Name "A2" string 

Age  24  int 
Name "A4" string 

Age  20  int 
Name "A0" string 

a więc jest:

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
         { new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
          new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
          new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
          new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 
          new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 

Spróbuj tego. Wprowadzenie go w słowniku może zaoszczędzić trochę patrzeć w górę czas:

int i = 0; 
Dictionary<string, int> ordinalValues = l_lstNames.ToDictionary(name => name, name => i++); 
var sortedStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(a => ordinalValues[a.Name]).ToList(); 

wypróbować z następującego kodu:

l_lstStudents = (from name in l_lstNames 
        join student in l_lstStudents 
        on name equals student.Name 
        select student).ToList<Test>(); 
var newList = l_lstNames.Join(l_lstStudents, 
    s => s, 
    test => test.Name, 
    (s, test) => new Test { Name = s, Age = test.Age } 
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