2012-07-23 24 views

Próbuję przekonwertować niektóre kod Matlaba z Maia package na coś, co będzie działać z Octave. Obecnie utknąłem, ponieważ jeden z plików ma kilka wywołań do containers.Map, która jest podobno czymś, co ma not yet been implemented in octave. Czy ktoś ma jakieś pomysły na łatwe osiągnięcie podobnej funkcjonalności bez robienia dużo dodatkowej pracy w oktawie? Dziękuję wszystkim za poświęcony czas.Konwersja Matlab na Octave jest odpowiednikiem container.Map?

function [adj_direct contig_direct overlap names longest_path_direct... 
      weigth_direct deltafiles deltafiles_ref ReferenceAlignment ... 
      contig_ref overlap_ref name_hash_ref] = ... 
      assembly_driver(assemblies,ref_genome,target_chromosome, ... 
          deltafiles_ref,contig_ref, overlap_ref, ... 
          name_hash_ref, varargin) 

% ASSEMBLY_DRIVER Combines contig sets into one assembled chromosome 
% assemblies 
% ref_chromosome 
% Startnode_name 
% Endnode_name 
%  'z_weigths'   [.25 .25 .25 .25] 
%  'clipping_thrs'  10 
%  'ref_distance'   -10 
%  'ref_quality'   1E-5 
%  'max_chromosome_dist' 100 
%  'quit_treshold'  15 
%  'tabu_time'   3 
%  'minimum_improvement' -inf 
%  'ref_node_assemblies' all assemblies (slow) 
%  'endextend'   true 

    % General parameters 
    z_weights   = [.25 .25 .25 .25]; 
    clipping_thrs  = 10; 
    mapfilter   = '-rq'; 
    alignlen   = 75; 
    ident    = 85; 

    % Reference nod parameters 
    ref_distance  = -10; 
    ref_quality   = 1E-5; 
    max_chromosome_dist = 100; 
    % TABU parameters 
    quit_treshold  = 15; 
    tabu_time   = 3; 
    minimum_improvement = -inf; 
    ref_node_assemblies = assemblies; 
    % Extending the assembly outwards from the start and en node 
    endextend   = true; 
    AllowReverse  = true; 
    % If no start and end node are given, they will be determined from tiling 
    Startnode_name  = ''; 
    Endnode_name  = ''; 
    containment_edge = true; 
    ref_first   = true; 

    % If contigs have already been aligned to the reference, give the 
    % deltafile 
    ReferenceAlignment = 'NotYetDoneByMaia'; 

    % Get VARARGIN user input 
    if length(varargin) > 0 
     while 1 
      switch varargin{1} 
       case 'Startnode_name' 
        Startnode_name = varargin{2}; 
       case 'Endnode_name' 
        Endnode_name = varargin{2}; 
       case 'z_weigths' 
        z_weights = varargin{2}; 
       case 'clipping_thrs' 
        clipping_thrs = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ref_distance' 
        ref_distance = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ref_quality' 
        ref_quality = varargin{2}; 
       case 'max_chromosome_dist' 
        max_chromosome_dist = varargin{2}; 
       case 'quit_treshold' 
        quit_treshold = varargin{2}; 
       case 'tabu_time' 
        tabu_time = varargin{2}; 
       case 'minimum_improvement' 
        minimum_improvement = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ref_node_assemblies' 
        ref_node_assemblies = assemblies(varargin{2},:); 
       case 'extend_ends' 
        endextend = assemblies(varargin{2},:); 
       case 'AllowReverse' 
        AllowReverse = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ReferenceAlignment' 
        ReferenceAlignment = varargin{2}; 
       case 'containment_edge' 
        containment_edge = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ref_first' 
        ref_first = varargin{2}; 
       case 'mapfilter' 
        mapfilter = varargin{2}; 
       case 'alignlen' 
        alignlen = varargin{2}; 
       case 'ident' 
        ident = varargin{2}; 
        error(['Input ' varargin{2} ' is not known']); 
      if length(varargin) > 2 
       varargin = varargin(3:end); 

    % Read input assemblies 
    assembly_names = assemblies(:,1); 
    assembly_locs = assemblies(:,2); 
    assembly_quality = containers.Map(assemblies(:,1),assemblies(:,3)); 
    assembly_quality('reference') = ref_quality; 

    % Read input assemblies for creation of reference nodes 
    ref_node_assembly_names = ref_node_assemblies(:,1); 
    ref_node_assembly_locs = ref_node_assemblies(:,2); 
    ref_node_assembly_quality = containers.Map(ref_node_assemblies(:,1),ref_node_assemblies(:,3)); 
    ref_node_assembly_quality('reference') = ref_quality; 

    % If there is only one assembly there is nothing to align 
    if size(assemblies,1) >= 2 

     % Align assemblies against each other 
     assembly_pairs = {}; 
     coordsfiles = []; 
     deltafiles = []; 
     for i = 1:length(assembly_locs)-1 
      for j = i+1:length(assembly_locs) 
       [coordsfile,deltafile] = align_assemblies({assembly_locs{i},assembly_locs{j}},{assembly_names{i}, assembly_names{j}}, ... 
                  mapfilter, alignlen, ident); 
       coordsfiles = [coordsfiles; coordsfile]; 
       %deltafiles = [deltafiles deltafile]; 
       deltafiles = [deltafiles; {deltafile}]; 
       assembly_pairs = [assembly_pairs;[assembly_names(i) assembly_names(j)]]; 

    % fprintf('Loading alignment files.\n'); 
    % load alignments_done; 

     % Put the nucmer alignments in an adjency matrix 
     %[adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap] = get_adj_matrix(coordsfiles, assembly_pairs, assembly_quality, z_weights, 'clipping_thrs', clipping_thrs, 'dove_tail', 'double','edge_weight','z-scores', 'containment_edge', true); 
     [adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap] = get_adj_matrix(deltafiles, assembly_pairs, assembly_quality, z_weights, 'clipping_thrs', clipping_thrs, 'dove_tail', 'double','edge_weight','z-scores', 'containment_edge', containment_edge); 

     % Merge deltafiles 
     deltafilesnew = deltafiles{1}; 
     if size(deltafiles,1) > 1 
      for di = 2:size(deltafiles,1) 
       deltafilesnew = [deltafilesnew deltafiles{di}]; 
     deltafiles = deltafilesnew; 

     assembly_pairs = {}; 
     coordsfiles = []; 
     deltafiles = [];   
     adj = []; 
     names = {}; 
     name_hash = containers.Map; 
     contig = struct('name',{},'size',[],'chromosome',[],'number',[], 'assembly', [], 'assembly_quality', []); 
     overlap = struct('Q',{},'R',[],'S1',[],'E1', [], 'S2', [], 'E2', [], 'LEN1', [], 'LEN2', [], 'IDY', [], 'COVR', [], 'COVQ', [],'LENR',[], 'LENQ',[]); 

    % Ad the pseudo nodes to the graph. If the contigs have already been 
    % aligned to the reference genome, just select the alignments that 
    % correspond to the target chromosome 
    if isequal(ReferenceAlignment,'NotYetDoneByMaia') 
     % Align all contigs in 'contig_sets_fasta' to the reference chromosome 
     [contig_ref, overlap_ref, name_hash_ref, deltafiles_ref] = align_contigs_sets(... 
      ref_genome, ref_node_assembly_locs, ref_node_assembly_names, ... 
      ref_node_assembly_quality, clipping_thrs, z_weights, ... 

     ReferenceAlignment = 'out2.delta'; 
    % Select only the entries in the deltafile for the current target chromosome 
    [contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref] = ... 
       contig_ref, overlap_ref, deltafiles_ref); 

    % Ref clipping should be high in case of tiling 
    %if isequal(max_chromosome_dist,'tiling') 
    % clipping_thrs = 10000 

    % Add reference nodes to the adjency matrix 
    [adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap, delta_target_ref, Startnode_name, Endnode_name] = get_reference_nodes(... 
        adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap, target_chromosome, ... 
        contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref, ... 
        max_chromosome_dist, ref_distance, clipping_thrs, ref_first,... 
        Startnode_name, Endnode_name, AllowReverse); 

    % Give reference edges some small extra value to distict between 
    % assemblies to which a reference node leads 
    % adj = rank_reference_edges(adj,contig,assembly_quality); 

    % Specify a start and an end node for the assembly 
    Startnode = name_hash(Startnode_name); 
    Endnode = name_hash(Endnode_name); 

    % Find the best scoring path 
    fprintf('Directing the final graph\n'); 
    % Calculate path on undirected graph to get an idea on how to direct the graph 
    [longest_path weigth] = longest_path_tabu(adj, Startnode, Endnode, quit_treshold, tabu_time, minimum_improvement); 
    % Make the graph directed (greedy) 
    [adj_direct contig_direct] = direct_graph(adj,overlap, contig, names, name_hash,clipping_thrs, Startnode, longest_path, true, ref_first); 
    % Calcultate final layout-path 
    fprintf('Find highest scoring path\n'); 
    [longest_path_direct weigth_direct] = longest_path_tabu(adj_direct, Startnode, Endnode, quit_treshold, tabu_time, minimum_improvement); 

    function [contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref] = ... 
       contig_ref, overlap_ref, deltafiles_ref) 

     % Select only the entries in the deltafile for the current target chromosome 
     delta_target_ref = deltafiles_ref; 
     for di = size(delta_target_ref,2):-1:1 
      if ~isequal(delta_target_ref(di).R,target_chromosome) 
       delta_target_ref(di) = []; 
     overlap_target_ref = overlap_ref; 
     for oi = size(overlap_target_ref,2):-1:1 
      if ~isequal(overlap_target_ref(oi).R,target_chromosome) 
       overlap_target_ref(oi) = []; 
     contig_target_ref = contig_ref; 
     for ci = size(contig_target_ref,1):-1:1 
      if isequal(contig_target_ref(ci).assembly, 'reference') && ~isequal(contig_target_ref(ci).name,target_chromosome) 
       contig_target_ref(ci) = []; 
     name_hash_target_ref = make_hash({contig_target_ref.name}'); 




Nie ma dokładny odpowiednik containers.Map w oktawie, które znam ...

Jedną z opcji jest użycie java package stworzyć java.util.Hashtable. Stosując ten example:

pkg load java 
d = javaObject("java.util.Hashtable"); 

Jeżeli jesteś gotów zrobić trochę przepisywanie, można skorzystać z wbudowanego struct jako prymitywny tabeli mieszania ze strunami (poprawnych nazw zmiennych) jako klucze, a prawie wszystko przechowywane w wartościach.

Na przykład, biorąc pod uwagę następujące elementy:

keys = {'Mon','Tue','Wed'} 
values = {10, 20, 30} 

można zastąpić to:

map = containers.Map(keys,values); 


s = struct(); 
for i=1:numel(keys) 
    s.(keys{i}) = values{i}; 

Być może trzeba użyć genvarname produkować ważne klucze, lub może odpowiednia funkcja mieszająca, która produkuje prawidłowe ciągi kluczy.

spojrzeć również na funkcje związane struct-: getfield, setfield, Isfield, fieldnames, rmfield, etc ..


słodki, dzięki! Czy istnieje sposób na owijanie 's = struct(); dla i = 1: numel (klucze) s. (Keys {i}) = values ​​{i}; koniec s. ('Mon') 'do jakiejś klasy, którą można nazwać tak samo jak pojemniki.Mapa? Zastanawiam się tylko nad sposobami zredukowania refaktoryzacji i byłoby miło nadal móc wywoływać wynik podobny do 'map ('Mon')' w twoim przykładzie. –


@ JohnSt.John: Przypuszczam, że przy odrobinie pracy można zaprojektować zamianę typu "drop-in" na 'containers.Map' przy użyciu' struct', chociaż miałoby to ograniczoną funkcjonalność (ograniczenie nazw klawiszy, o których wspomniałem powyżej). Ale potem nie zrobiłem zbyt wiele [programowania OOP] (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Object-Oriented-Programming.html) w Octave, który wydaje się inny od [MATLAB OOP] (http://www.mathworks.com/help/techsdoc/matlab_oop/ug_intropage.html) Możliwości ... – Amro


Inną opcją, jeśli chcesz zainstalować pakiety, jest [pkg o nazwie general] (http: //octave.sourceforge .net/general /), który [ma dykta] (http://octave.sourceforge.net/general/overview.html) – lukmdo

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